Monday, May 20, 2019

Culture Discrimination in School Essay

Magdoline Asfahani.s Time to Look and Listen is a descriptive strain in wich Magdoline let offs how she expirience Culture discrimination in school and try to balance her identity in ways that honored her parents cultures while embracing American-born values. Magdoline states that , is painful and hard to keep emotions under control , her anger , irritation , pain can breack though and overwhelm what she try to portray in a cool, rational air . Magdoline explains how she deal with discrimination in her school because of her culture . In the essay , Magdoline expands the reasons of been discrimanate because of her culturality , race and for be an immigrant at school.First , Magdoline describes ethnicity as culture discriminatio in school . She explains that as a younh child immigrant raised with a conscious respect for America that many people take for granted. . She further explains that discrimination is non rummy to America because it occurs in any country that allows immi ngration . Magdoline clearly states that Anyone who is unlike the majority is looked at the a weensy suspiciously , dealt with a little differently. (68). She affirms that everything change for her U.S Marine barracks in Beirut had been bombed, at school her classmates ataunt her with evil names , attacking her heritage and religion . She said that after a while she try to stymy her ethnicity because her classmates told her that she came from an uncivilixed , brutal place .Magdoline did feel like to murderers.Second , In the essay Magdoline expands on the reasons that race is a culture discrimination in school . She affirms that beacuse of her race she stopped inviting friends over dinner , because she thought the feed was weird. She said that it is humiliate for her to let her friend know where her parents advance from because of their accents . Magdoline further explains that she felt exclude and began to charm into someone without a past. She states that Why should an adole cent be asked questions like is it true you hate jews and you want to destroyed? (69). She explain that her parents never said anything even alluding to such snetiments .Third , Magdoline iliminates that to be an immigrant is a reason for be fork in school . Sje explains that while she was at shool one teache bulling her when she told the proferor that she is goimh to the Meddle East . Magno states that who knew nothing abouth Arabs and Muslim withdraw what they saw on television seemed like a bad dream ( 69). She affirms that she realize now that she come from a culture that has a rich history .In conclusion ,Magnoline explaind that culture discrimination in school still but it needs to be done , not for sake any particulare ethnic or cultural groups but for sake of our country .She enlightens the education is hey to undestand an as Americans we need to take a time to look and listen carefully to what is aroud us and not rush to judgment without knowing the situation .Magnolin e affirms that expirience Culture discrimination in school is because we have differnet ethnicity, race or for been an immigrant but discrimination is not unique to America because it occurs in any country that allows immingration.

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